Besides keeping up with their production of essential hygiene products such as toilet paper, tissues, hand wipes and sanitizers, we learned that they were able to make an extremely quick production shift from paper diapers to face masks, using the same diaper machines.
Furthermore, the speakers shared some of the results of a big survey Essity conducts yearly in many countries around the world: the Hygiene and Health Report - with this year's focus on the effects of COVID-19 on hygiene and health. One interesting takeaway was that 90% of people have increased their handwashing since the pandemic. Comparisons were shown between different countries on hand washing behaviours, places people now avoid, expectations people now have on public spaces and businesses, and changes people need to feel safer. COVID-19 has changed all of our lives and personal behaviour and we all see an increased need for hygiene measures. We thank Essity for their inspirational presentations and all participants for their engagement!
/Esther Meulenberg
Team West