On 8 February the Dutch Chamber's Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place, followed by a New Year's Reception.
After the presentation of last year's results and discharge of the Executive Board, Agnès Courades Allebeck from the National Board of Trade Sweden took the floor. She gave her insights in trade in the EU market and shared valuable information about the Swedish market for (foreign) businesses:
"The mission of the Board is to work for free and open trade with transparant rules, " Agnès Courades Allebeck, Head of the Internal Market Department at the National Board of Trade explained. Their focus is not restricted to Swedish trade but on trade in general and the Board has a special mandate to work for a correct and uniform application of EU law in Sweden.
For doing so they provide three interesting services that can be called upon. These are Point of Single Contact, Solvit Center and the Product Contact Point.
To make it easier for companies selling services, each EU country has a Point of Single Contact. At this point of contact information can be found about requirements, authorities responsible for different services, application forms etcetera. For more information, click here.
The Solvit Center is a service that can be contacted if you are facing a problem with free trade or movement within the internal market. Common problems for EU companies are public procurement or posting of workers. Solvit can mediate between business partners and their services are free of charge.
More information can be found here.
The Product Contact Point can be contacted if you're unsure about what rules are applied on a certain product. More information about this service can be found here:
After this presentation the Ambassador invited all participants to her residence, where she gave her view on 2018 and brought a toast for prosperity.
The Annual Report for 2017 can be found at our website.
/Maarten Merckx and Annemieke Ålenius