It was a great pleasure to welcome our members and guests to Starters Café Djäkne. Founder and speaker for the evening Marvin Bonsen treated us to an inspirational talk on his amazing entrepreneurial journey.
He told us about developing internet content platforms as an incubator and selling them off whenever they, as he himself states “are becoming somewhat more corporate and compliance takes over”. He mentioned Hemnet as an example, which is well-known.
Many questions triggered lively conversations. It shows what a person can achieve whenever you put your mind to it, and emphasizes that determination and persistency combined with a bit of luck, feeling for what the future might hold and lots of blood, sweat and tears will lead to success.
During the evening Wouter Ridder and Bram Nabuurs, under the watchful eye of our boardmember Els Berkers and the honorairy consul of the Netherlands in southern Sweden mrs Kerstin Lindell, introduced themselves as the new regional directors.
To those who missed this great event, stay tuned and make sure you sign up for the next one in region South.
/Team South